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    Petit 360 worth the extra money????

    I might have already told you this but my last Petit I put in, the site increased $35,000 in revenue in one year. Took out a PDQ M5. Not a significant increase but I was still very glad to see it and I have not had any headaches like I did daily with the M5.
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    Strange issue with Cryptopay

    It seemed to fix the problem when I replaced the ribbon cable from the display board to the main board on the door.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    I just took it out and went back with cryptopay. The swiper worked fine but the customers didn't understand that you have to select the wash on the pay station and then select the same wash on the card reader. I had customers getting charged two or three times because they did not understand...
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    RIP MEP001 You will be missed

    Very sad to hear about MEP. He was a very knowledgeable guy and always willing to help. He will be missed.
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    Intro and question on the Monex terminals

    The reader will fit where the factory installed reader was. There are 4 wires to hook up. 24 vac hot, common, and your pulse wires. The only thing I dislike is the customer has to select the wash using the button on the paystation and then select the same wash on card reader. I had a decal...
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    Mac from the forum

    Sorry to hear. I had been wondering about him lately.
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    Intro and question on the Monex terminals

    Cash and coin work like normal.
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    Intro and question on the Monex terminals

    I installed one on a Wash Select a couple of months ago. The reader has wires that send out a coin pulse, so it's very easy to install. So far so good on mine.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    This is on an IBA so the average is probably around $13.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Wanted to report back on the fees. Right now they are at 5.49%. I am currently working with Monex to try to get them even lower. Overall very happy with the Monex readers.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Good to know. They are letting me test the reader as long as I want to before I commit. I should know in a month or so If it is for me or not.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    The customer has to select the wash and then pay with the reader or if they pay with the reader first, it puts the credit amount on the Unitec display and the customer has to then select the wash. The reader would stilled be powered up and take payments if the wash was out of service. I would...
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    $595 from Monex. Not sure if you can buy them from Kiosoft. Also TSYS is the merchant that Monex uses.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    I'm not sure about the remote start feature. I will find out. I didn't ask about gift card or loyalty cards as I don't need them, but I will ask. There is no back cover that I know of. It has a rubber gasket around the perimeter of the reader so hopefully that will keep out any water.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Good question. I have not looked, but I will and I will let you know.
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    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Monex sent me a reader to test (which is actually made by Kiosoft) that accepts swipe, tap, and chip. It took a while but I have got it to working flawlessly on my Wash Select 2. All the customer will see is the actual wash amount they chose. No more of the "credit card hold" bull crap. It is...
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    Saw a great idea for ALL IBAs

    I would think you would have to clean it daily. At my locations, my IBAs blow the water back out the entrance so bad, it would leave water spots all over it.
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    I have a brand new side ultrasonic for the M5 with the long cable, $200 plus shipping.

    I have a brand new side ultrasonic for the M5 with the long cable, $200 plus shipping.
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    Nayak Vs Monex Vs CryptoPay

    I About all I know is that it uses coin pulses, so I am going to try and set it up just like my Cryptopay swipers. I'll post once I figure it out.