Search results

  1. N

    Cost of Water

    Can anybody give me an idea of what you are paying for water and sewer in your area? Also can you give me the usage per car for a tunnel and how long it is and do you have recycling and how much it fresh ant recycled? TY
  2. N

    Starting Out

    Research and hard work Iowaguy,I worked on building my wash for over 15 years! I started with the idea and went from there. I did the research, did the business plan, found the property, secured financing (after 5 declines from banks) used equity in home and cash. All this prior to...
  3. N

    News Article

    Links 3 great article links! Good luck!
  4. N

    Canopy needed!

    Thanks a bunch for all the info I will check into all of them!
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    Canopy needed!

    Anybody have any companies they would suggest within a budget. I don't have $10,00 grand to spend so please keep this in mind. Thanks you.
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    Pad Perfect

    I will check with my husband on some of the questions that i do not know. We include the tire shine in our top wash and we average 25-30 % of our daily washes are top washes. We have had the tire shine for 10 months and I do not believe the pads have been rotated but I will check. I will get...
  7. N

    Pad Perfect

    Does anybody have any suggestions or advice on the Pad Perfect and how to help get more out of the drum. Would increasing the application seconds do anything to help usage?
  8. N

    Weather Forecaster An Idiot!

    I have the biggest idiot in Philly who says on air every time it's going to rain that mother nature will wash your car for ya! I actually email him to tell him that he was an idiot and he never responded. I do not watch him that much anymore but I have not heard him say that since my email.
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    Foam brushes freezing

    Thanks a bunch guys! I really value this forum for all the knowledge and the exceptional people who are open to help out!
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    Our first winter!

    Earl, are you saying that my expectations are probably beyond the customers?
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    Our first winter!

    Thanks Chiefs! We have explained to our customers about the salt and residual in short terms and we have had no complaints. I think I have expectations that may be unrealistic for this time of the year and conditions. I tend to be a bit of a nut when it comes to the cars. I think I need to...
  12. N

    Foam brushes freezing

    Thanks for the info I will have my husband check on that! I think we will bring the brushes in out of sight out of mind. They may not even notice they are gone. I hope.
  13. N

    Our first winter!

    This is our first winter in the business and and we a re finally very busy We are an express wash with self serve bays in PA and we do not normally towel dry but with the weather in the single digits we put someone out there on the weekends because with the ton of salt on the cars the salt...
  14. N

    Foam brushes freezing

    We are new to the business and this is out first winter! Any thoughts on why my brushes keep freezing? My wands are fine and my husband said it the soap but he is not sure what soap is best any suggestions? we have been in the single digits and teens for a few days.
  15. N

    New owner

    Hey thanks for the info. We are aggressively working on getting our name out there but it seems slow then it picks up then slow again. We are going to businesses and schools and athletic associations as well as paper ads and flyers. Do you see a big benefit in the local clipper mags? Where in...
  16. N

    Business expectations

    Well I think it will be fine but our township has strict advertising limits because we are in a historic area but it is very commercialize. Our sign had to be less the 10 ft high we can not have a lighted promotion board and no stick signs so we have some challenges.
  17. N

    Business expectations

    We have been open two weeks today. Is there anybody that can tell me an idea of business growth over the next six months from past experience?
  18. N

    New owner

    Chiefs, Good info! My husband and I are big on customer service and very personable. We have already had some interesting situations but got thru them fine. I am personally a little obsessed with producing a clean car. My equipment guy and chemical guy keep telling me basically to get over it...
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    New owner

    Great advice! Thanks a bunch.
  20. N

    New owner

    We just opened our first car wash last week in SE PA it is an 80 ft express with self serve bays, we offer free vacs on the express wash only. I have been running business very successfully for almost 20 years but never a car wash. We have researched it for over 10 years but there is nothing...