Search results

  1. J

    DRB tunnel watch issue

    Having an issue with DRB dropping the connection between the hard drive and the TCW. We had issues back in April/May. At that time we replaced the adapter in back of hard drive and AC adapter and the cable that plugs into communication plug (back to TCW). We replaced 150 ft of communication...
  2. J

    Cat 310 pump oil question

    I changed the oil in my CAT 310 pumps every year. A CAT representative told me years ago that 30W non detergent was OK to use. I've never had a seal or bearing problem in the last 12 years.
  3. J

    Customers Who Bring Their Own Chemicals

    Customers that bring their own car wash/wax items This is like going into a restaurant with you lunch bag. You occupy a table, and then buy a drink to wash it down. If a customer comes and washes and decides to wax it, then I let it go - as long as no one else wants to use the bay. If someone...
  4. J

    Self storage recommendation

    Can anyone tell me how much a lot 140 x 150 should lease for if someone wanted to lease it to build self storage. What would a self storage operate consider paying for this. It is on flat land with drainage already on the site. I figured I could get 70 units on this lot? Thanks for any advice.