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Armor All Product Pricing & Bottle shape

U Wash

Joe Dirt
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
AA recently introduced a protectant 2 pack wipe. I tried some thinking it would be an alternative to the sponge packet. Both come in 100 count boxes however the 2 pack wipe seems to be way over priced. I pay 48 cents a piece for sponges and 60 cents for the 2 pack. I retail them for $1 each. The 2 pack drops below my 100% mark up on vended items. The package doesn't say how much actual product is in each package. I find the sponge covers way more area than the 2 pack cheap looking paper wipes. I don't feel I can justify a higher price for the 2 pack because of it limited coverage, in fact I don't even feel it is a good buy at 50 cents. Armor All actually retails on their web site a 50 count package of wipes at a retail cost of 18 cents per wipe. Has anyone found a better price on the 2 pack item? Is anyone retailing this product, if so much how much are you charging.

Armor All has introduced flat shaped 4 oz bottles for extreme protectant, glass cleaner, etc that work great in spiral vendors. For some reason they only offer the best selling original AA 4 oz protectant in round bottles. These are terrible to vend in spirals because the bottles rotate as they move forward and end up with the label facing to the rear. Any chance Armor All would listen to self serve operators and start offering the flat shaped bottle original protectant??