Search results

  1. Red Baron

    Red Baron Checking In

    How's it going guys? Long time no washee. I'm missing the car wash business some, but not too much. I certainly don't miss the idiots telling me that I don't have a right to run my business the way I want to. It's been about 9 months since I sold my last wash and I still find myself, everyday...
  2. Red Baron

    Vacs Are Personal Property???????

    You guys thought you were rid of me, huh? Just went round and round with the property tax dimwit....err, lady. My car wash prop tax went from $975 last year to $65,450 this year. A call to the...lady, and she said she's counbting the 6 vacs and all other equipment that she could see from the...
  3. Red Baron

    2 More Hours in The Car Wash Business

    I close on the sale of my car wash in 2 hours. Health issues with one of my parents requires me to go run the family roofing business full time now. I'm relieved and stressed all at the same time. Relieved that I'll no longer have to worry about going out to dinner and having to stop mid-fajita...
  4. Red Baron

    A Car Wash Dream...

    ...last night. So, I opened the door to my equipment room and, everything was gone. Everything! Every single thing had been stolen, they even swept the floor before they left, which makes a bizarre dream even more bizarre. I stepped outside and called 911. 911: 911 what is your emergency? Me...
  5. Red Baron

    Spring Cleaning Hauled the dusty John Deeres to the CW for some Spring spiffing up in our 84 degree weather.
  6. Red Baron

    Fun With Security Cameras

    These 2 videos are of me getting pulled over this morning. Cop said I ran a stop sign...I wasn't even on a street with a stop sign. Told him we can go look at my videos to show that I pulled out of my drive, not from the road with a stop need, no ticket...
  7. Red Baron

    Vendor Loading Tips for Spiral Type

    I have a new vendor with the spiral product pushers and it's vending pretty well. The tall blue/jumbo paper towells were hanging up on the glass front once in awhile but I think I've addressed that now. The D&S glass front 18 item vendor came with the plastic clip--on pushers for the small...
  8. Red Baron

    Would You Put Security Video on YouTube?

    I have clear video of a girl/lady stealing one of my orange cones. I couldn't get the tag #. I realize a $12 cone isn't worth a lot of effort but right is right and wrong is wrong. I'm thinking of uploading the video to YouTube, and run a still pic in the newspaper offering a $100 reward for...
  9. Red Baron

    Appraising a Car Wash - Cost Approach?!

    A bank had my car wash appraised for a new loan. The appraiser insisted that using Cost Approach is the only acceptable way. Of course the value using Income Approach is much higher, but the appraiser refuses to use Income Approach. The 2 times I've had it appraised before, the Income Approach...
  10. Red Baron

    Friend Robbed/Injured at Car Wash

    Getting this e-mail this morning from one of my former karate students floored me. I had no idea he'd been injured in a robbery attempt at a car wash. Eli Kendrick was one of my most gifted, hardest working, and most likeable students at my dojo. I am truly humbled by his e-mail. His e-mail...
  11. Red Baron

    Discovered New Level of Dumb Today

    A customer was having trouble getting his bill to work in the changer, so my son walked up to help him. The guy had a $20 bill that was torn in half and was attempting to insert each half one at a time. Those lousy ER60's, won't even accept half a $20. :-)
  12. Red Baron

    RO Output Maximizing Tips

    Our area had an unusual weather event last Thursday: light rain + dust storm = coating of mud on every car in the region. Car washes have been swamped, literally, since Friday. Everyone I know set new per-day volume records and most I know had trouble with their RO keeping up with demand with it...
  13. Red Baron

    D&S i5000 Gantry Stuck Error

    I'm getting a Gantry Stuck error and the gantry to down at the rear when I get there. I'm assuming the sensitivity on the Telco eyes need adjusted but not sure how to do this. Help?
  14. Red Baron

    Telco Eyes on Gantry Delayed Function

    The IR eyes on my gantry take 3-4 seconds to move the gantry in manual mode when I cover one with my hand, then after it starts moving, when I take my hand off the eye the gantry moves another 5'. It does this in both directions. Ideas?
  15. Red Baron

    I Got Raped!!!

    Our little town won the state championship football game today. A newS station came to town to show the excitement, and used my readerboard in the article, but cropped out the rest of my sign. They showed ever other business' sign, but cropped mine. Mine is the one that says: GOIN' TO STATE...
  16. Red Baron

    Banned a guy

    In my 13 years in the car wash business I have only banned 3 guys from my car wash. I banned 1 of them this week. The guy, a youngish farmer, blows all kinds of crap out of the bed of his truck, including grease. Several customers then had to trek through it. So I sent that guy a letter...
  17. Red Baron

    I've Discovered The Secret to Success

    Hang up the vac hose on the holder. That's it!
  18. Red Baron

    I'm Always Tempted...

    When a driver demonstrates a complete lack of control of their car, I'm always tempted to not go out of my way to have them come back. When a driver (who is not merely a beginner who just needs some more experience) can't follow simple instruction, drives past the tredle, backs up past the...
  19. Red Baron

    That's what a car wash is for

    Got this as part of a nasty email this morning: Yes I also washed out the bed of the truck , as that is what a car wash is for. So help me those are his exact words, cut & pasted.
  20. Red Baron

    You may be too stupid to use a car wash

    Borrowing from Jeff Foxworthy's "You may be a redneck" gig: If you think you can enter the IBA at 15 mph and get stopped on the tredle switch, You may be too stupid to use a car wash. If you think there is some reason to enter an IBA at 15 mph, You may be too stupid to use a car wash. If you...