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  1. B

    Horrible cars: a Highjacked thread

    Thought some of you would like to see some of the data in the chart located here: It has the recent sales data for all auto manufactures along with a great video of the Ford Fiesta in the EU from TOP GEAR (got to watch the end) Hope...
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    layoffs within the industry?

    Ok, what have you heard? Business across the industry is so slow that a "major" manufacturer has "laidoff" employees from their factory. Has it hit the news anywhere else yet?
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    Least we forget

    Reminder about Memorial day Today at 3 PM TAPS will be played across the Nation at all National Cemeteries. I'll be taking my family to Busnell's Florida National Cemetery to hinor our fallen. See this site: God Bless
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    Scarry crap happening in Washington in the Capital building. Read this and watch the video. From the book BAD MOON RISING
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    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    On my shelf in my office sits a thin fadded paper back book from 1977, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Prayer's from Prison. Last week Presedent Bush went to Israel to commemorate the formation of that Nation and it's 60th Birthday. While speeking to the Kineset, Bush mention the attrocities of the...
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    who reads the ACF?

    One day after posting one simpe question "who is my blue coral/rain X distributer in Tampa" I got a call from my Simoniz rep asking if everything is ok! He said that he was notified by another rep that "Doug has posted on the ACF that he was unhappy and was going to switch chemical suppliers"...
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    blue coral/rain X dist in Tampa area

    who's a rep in the area?
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    Fed bail out. How do you feel?

    So we are all "Capitalist" right? And if we make a bad choice, poor judgement or just bad timing in when or where we build.... and we go under.... is someone gonna shore us up? Capitalism is brutal. Failures happen and they suck. Something like 50% or more startups go out of business in the...
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    Saddan had no link to Al Qaeda, report censored Pentagon Report on Saddam's Iraq Censored? Share March 12, 2008 1:58 PM ABC News' Jonathan Karl Reports: The Bush Administration apparently does not want a U.S. military study that found no direct connection between Saddam...
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    The truth on ending life... my sister Diane

    Last night I took my sister off the ventilator in the presenance of my mother and brothers, her boy friend and a few others. It took 45 minutes until her life ended on this Earth. Unlike what people remember from the Terri Schiavo mess of a few years ago... my sister wasn't even brain dead...
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    vandels make my life even harder today

    After Church today and seeing my Sis in ICU I stopped by my SS wash.... only to find that 2 kids smashed all the LED displays to my bays! All 5 are distroyed.... $4000 worth of damage. I burned the disc off the DVR (Thanks Allen for the great system) and gave it to my local cop friends. 2 kids...
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    "Wow" was all she could say!

    I've been away Since Thursday at my daughters Florida's ALL STATE MUSIC CONVENTION in TAMPA until Saturday afternoon (fuuny how long it seems I've been gone from the washes in 3 day... the employees manage to break so much!). So I came down here to make the repairs and wait for my laundry to...
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    Is this deceptive advertising

    bait & switch or just smart marketing? On January 1st I started what I discussed here a few months back, a $3 wash, but only as a pre-paid. I had a few signs made for the wind master sign that says "car wash $3".... wait... I just got interupted by a guy who tells me to get my lawyer because...
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    2007 numbers IF U DARE!

    Ok... lets here them. Break out a bottle of your best booze, valium, antidepresent or just brag on the whell barrows full of cash you carted off this year! Same as past years, Region, type of wash Central Florida My tunnel: Down in volume 2007 from 2006 by 7% (I thought I was going to break...
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    top package price survey please

    Ok... I haven't "raised the price" in 4 years inspite of; higher property taxes (30% in 3 years), Higher property insurance, acutally lower WC (went from a rating of 6.5 to 4.5%!), 12% higher chemical cost per year for last two years consecutively, and higher ulitilies. I finally wore my wife...