Search results

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    LED Bay Light Selection

    I have tried two different types of LED Bay lights and wonder about other operators results. I would like to convert all my bays but the cost is prohibitive especially if they have components that fail and eat up energy savings with repair bills. I purchased two of the replacement kits...
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    Water meter billable flow reduction

    I received a sales solicitation today, they claim their "Water management H2 saver valve" will reduce the meter reading by compressing the air that water pipes contain. Indicating a 30% reduction. The valve is installed after the water meter on my property. Anyone know the truth about this...
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    Best Method To Remove Old Decal from Vacuum?

    I would like to remove some old decals from my vacuums. What is the best product to apply and technique to use?
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    Current Info on Tankless Water Heaters?

    My old Raypak unit is shot and I wanted to consider tankless heaters. The forum has several comments but they are over 5 years old. I would like to obtain some current info. 1. Has anyone had great success with tankless? 2. Is there a system design manual for tankless available? 3. I read...
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    Armor All Product Pricing & Bottle shape

    AA recently introduced a protectant 2 pack wipe. I tried some thinking it would be an alternative to the sponge packet. Both come in 100 count boxes however the 2 pack wipe seems to be way over priced. I pay 48 cents a piece for sponges and 60 cents for the 2 pack. I retail them for $1 each. The...
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    Armor All Product Pricing & Bottle shape

    AA recently introduced a protectant 2 pack wipe. I tried some thinking it would be an alternative to the sponge packet. Both come in 100 count boxes however the 2 pack wipe seems to be way over priced. I pay 48 cents a piece for sponges and 60 cents for the 2 pack. I retail them for $1 each. The...
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    Loading a vending machine?

    I just switched from a vending machine where the product hangs from the helix to one where the products sits in a channel and the helix pushes it along the bottom of the tray. I am having major problems loading this machine for good dispensing and not getting stuck in the machine. The Armor All...
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    Programmable Thermostat with remote sensing

    I would like to find a programmable thermostat that can be used to turn off my floor heat late night say 12 midnight to 4 am. I need it with a remote sensing bulb to allow flame activation depending on the outside temperature. I will only be interrupting the flame portion, the circulating...
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    Recovering Credit Card Fees

    The new banking law from 2008 allows for the Retailer to recover their credit card processing fees by adding a percentage to the bill. When the new programs are developed for processing the new CHIP CARDS, it would be nice if all the manufacturers place an option allowing for a percentage to be...
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    Polyvend Parts Needed

    I have an old Polyvend machine. I need the corkscrew or pig tail looking rod that holds the product. Any chance one from another manufacturer will work or someone has some parts?
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    Polyvend Vendor Parts Needed

    I have an old Polyvend Inc. machine out of Conway. AR. Does anyone know where I can find parts. I need one of the corkscrew rods that hold the product.
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    LED Ribbon Light Failure Problems

    About 18 months ago I installed those new LED ribbon lights that were available in various colors. This one had two strands of LED's embeded in plastic that you could cut at designated points to fit the various distance runs on your building. After 1 year I noticed a complete section of LED's...
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    Panama 10 cent coin works like Quarter

    Just found a Republic of Panama 10 cent coins in with my quarters. Checked and found my Ginsan Multitron acceptor took it and gave credit for a quarter. I have them on fairly high acceptance level. Has anyone else found these coins? I only lucked into finding it because I was hand sorting...
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    Selling SS Carwash items

    What is the best web site for offering carwash items for sale. Like used dryers for an IBA, Hamiliton XE bill validators?
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    Problems with Hubbell Metal Halide Lights

    I am trying to determine what might be the problem with my Hubbell Metal Halide lights in my self serve bays. About 3 years ago I installed 6 new hubbell wall mounted fixtures. I replaced some GE Metal Halide fixtures that had worked fine for over 20 years but the plastic lens turned yellow...